IHT & intergenerational planning part two
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    Inheritance tax: look after those you love and leave a powerful legacy – part two

    Thanks again for signing up to attend ‘Inheritance tax: look after those you love and leave a powerful legacy’. I hope you’re looking forward it. If you haven’t already, you can watch part one of this event by clicking here.

    In the meantime, we’ve put together a selection of relevant resources that may be of interest to you ahead of the event.

    Take a look below and, don’t forget, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at askus@equilibrium.co.uk and we’ll be more than happy to help.


    Article: Are your kids ready for your money?

    This article examines the difference between preparing your money for your children and preparing your children for your money, as well as why it’s vital to have a thorough financial plan.

    Read the full article here.

    Video: Enjoying the important things 

    When Equilibrium client Sue had health issues, she found comfort in knowing that she could afford private healthcare. In this video, she explains how having a financial planner to remove the stress of managing her finances allows her to enjoy the important things in life. 

    Watch in full here.

    Article: The power of conversation 

    In this article, Colin Lawson explains how, by having a thorough inheritance tax and intergenerational plan, they were able to have grandchildren several years earlier than planned. 

    Read the full article here. 


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