Use of information
As part of our marketing plans, Equilibrium Financial Planning regularly lease data lists which contain the names and address of individuals within a certain geographical area. The only information that we are provided with from our data partners is a name and address. We do not request, or receive, any other details relating to a person’s circumstances.
These lists are obtained from General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant sources for the purposes of marketing. All names and addresses that we use are appropriate for postal direct marketing. Due to the large volume of information we handle, we do not interrogate or analyse any of the specific details unless a person responds to our mailing. If the response is negative, we make an internal note, notify the relevant supplier and also ensure that their details are not included in any further lists we purchase to prevent ongoing, unwanted correspondence being issued. If you would like to be removed from our mailing lists please get in touch.
All of our contact data partners take their responsibilities regarding consumer privacy, data protection and data security very seriously, as we do at Equilibrium, and we would never knowingly breach the Data Protection Act 1998. Our data partners and Equilibrium have the principles of treating the consumer fairly and respecting their data privacy are the heart of our business behaviours, adhering to all the required rules and regulations relating to personal data set out by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations, the Information Commissioners Office and the Direct Marketing Association.
If you are not already aware, the Mailing Preference Service is an organisation that helps people stop receiving unsolicited mail and, if you have not already done so, you may like to contact them on 0207 291 3310 or at to register.