The Arts Society Wilmslow

A London cabbie once told me: “Everyone’s interested in art”. I tamely replied: “I’m not so sure about that”. “Oh yes”, he insisted: “No one ever goes into a shop and says, ‘give me some wallpaper’. You choose your wallpaper. It’s got to be the right colour, the right design and have the right feel to it.”
My cabbie had a very good point. Humans are curious beings. We study our surroundings. We know what we like to see, hear and experience. We applaud brilliance when we recognise it. Of course, the question, “what is ‘Art’?” (and what isn’t) will divide opinions forever and a day, but that makes the subject even more fascinating.
Fortunately, we take a much broader definition of art than our cabbie and we are affiliated with the National Arts Society, which means we choose from a wide range of accredited speakers – experts in their fields. Deliberately we present a programme that straddles the world and all genres of the arts. For example, our recent lecture subjects have included the architecture of Mughal India, Hollywood films of the 1930s and the Culture of Ukraine – the latter especially relevant at this time.
The aim of The Arts Society Wilmslow is to enhance lives, by bringing people together to share their interests and enjoy friendship and fun. We are delighted that Equilibrium is generously supporting us to achieve that aim in our forthcoming season.
We are open to all ages and outlooks, and we make our meetings as social as we can, sometimes offering a glass of wine to stimulate conversation. Members also enjoy a regular programme of group outings, visits and social events. For example, members have recently attended concerts, visited Tabley House in Knutsford, the ancient library at Chethams School in Manchester and the Tate Liverpool.
We meet at 7:30pm on the second Thursday of the month from September to June in our lovely, airy venue at the United Reformed Church in Wilmslow (across the road from the Coach and Four Inn). We currently have around 150 members and we are always seeking new ones to join us for our activities.
The annual fee for 2023/24 will be £55 if registered before the 31 August 2023 and it is possible to try us out as a guest at a lecture for a small fee.
Find out more
For programme details and membership enquiries, please go to our website or drop a line to our Membership Secretary a