Market briefing 24th March 2020
Last night the Prime Minister announced additional measures to try and stop the spread of the coronavirus.
In essence, the advice is generally to remain in our homes wherever possible.
At Equilibrium, we have taken this advice and now our entire team will be working from home as of today.
We want to assure you that despite us working remotely, it remains business as usual in terms of the way we look after your money. Many of the team have been working from home already for several days. The investment team has been at home for a week and a half and has carried on managing your portfolios in the same way we normally do.
Our systems are well tested and have been working well. We can meet with clients remotely using the internet or telephone if you prefer.
Keeping in touch
If you need to get in touch, you can email your normal contacts at their usual addresses and we will get back to you. You can call your adviser or client manager on their direct dial telephone numbers (that hopefully, you should already have) and the calls will be diverted to their personal phones.
For today, calls to the main number (0161 486 2250) will be redirected to a single telephone and we will take messages. In the next day or so, we’ll be upgrading our telephone system so that calls to the main number can be transferred as they usually would be.
In terms of markets, we have recently seen some of the actions we wanted to see in terms of government and central bank support, and we have seen something of a rally today.
We will send a market update later in the week including some details of the actions we’ve been taking in managing your portfolios.
I wanted to take this opportunity to wish all our clients well. We hope you all remain in good health and please do take care. We look forward to seeing you again very soon.
If you should have any questions please get in touch.