Making a positive difference

Equilibrium is always on the lookout for opportunities to make a positive difference in the community.
Equilibrium is always on the lookout for opportunities to make a positive difference in the community, and since 2010 The Equilibrium Foundation has raised over £180,000 for local causes and charitable organisations.
One of the Foundation’s initiatives is our community support scheme, which started back in 2015 providing quarterly grants of £100 – £500 in Cheshire East and Chester and district. Due to the success of the scheme in these areas, last year we decided to offer a third grant to Greater Manchester-based organisations.
One of our most recent winners of the scheme was Pure Insight, a charity which provides practical and emotional support to young people (aged 16 – 25) leaving children’s homes and foster care to reduce loneliness, isolation and homelessness and increase access to opportunity and support networks. Sarah Sturmey, the Founder and CEO of Pure Insight said:
The financial contribution we receive from Equilibrium supports us to provide practical and emotional support to young people leaving children’s homes and foster care. We are able to train more volunteer mentors who provide weekly support to a young person who does not have support networks. As a grass roots charity, support from local organisations like.
Equilibrium is crucial and makes a huge difference, so from the bottom of our hearts we would like to say a huge thank you.If you know of any charities that could benefit from our community scheme, you can find out more information here.
Our community scheme is just one of our many initiatives. We’re also working on spreading the word about the financial literacy workbook that Equilibrium has developed, Libby’s Big Aeroplane Adventure. The workbook was designed to teach year five pupils skills such as budgeting, currency conversion, understanding time zones and much more in a fun and engaging way. Equilibrium provides the booklets free of charge to schools, along with free training and workshops. We held our third teacher training day for the booklet in September, meaning that Libby has now reached 14 schools and over 1,000 pupils!
You may also have heard about our recent Annual Equilibrium Jamie Arnold track day at Anglesey Circuit, which raised over £3,400 for St. Rocco’s hospice. Equilibrium were thrilled to double the total to over £6,800, making a positive difference to the valuable work that the hospice does.
Jason Lowe and Andrew Hirst, Advisers here at Equilibrium also recently completed their Venice to Rome cycling challenge. The journey, which was funded out of their own pockets, raised over £9,000 which was matched by the Equilibrium Foundation, doubling the total to over £18,000 which was split between hospices Claire House and Reuben’s retreat.
Equilibrium is always interested in supporting worthwhile causes, so if you’re thinking of fundraising please do get in touch wth Debbie Jukes at to see if we can offer our support.