Live stream recordings
Here you’ll find all the recordings of our live streams. Click the recording you want to watch, then you’ll be taken to a page where you’ll need to pop in your name and email address to watch it in full.
Recording: Life after a defined benefit transfer
Recorded on 28 April 2020
Colin Lawson looks at how the investment strategy decisions made after a defined benefit transfer could lead to rewards, flexibility and freedom or lead to a real risk of running out of money.
Recording: Investment panel discussion
Recorded on 17 April 2020
Equilibrium Founder Colin Lawson was joined by Gervais Williams, Head of Equities at Premier Miton Investors, and James Ashley, Head of International Market Strategy at Goldman Sachs for our recent investment panel discussion.
Recording: Client briefing
Recorded on 28 April 2020
Mike will be providing expert insight in light of the current volatility surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, explaining how Equilibrium has reacted and our outlook on the future.
Recording: COVID-19 – This time it’s different?
Recorded on 1 April 2020
Finding confidence and clarity around finances in the current climate can be difficult so Colin Lawson explains how Equilibrium are approaching things and providing a balanced informed view of the present state of affairs.