Key questions to ask your financial planner
When choosing a financial planner, it’s crucial to know that they are the right fit for you. Here is a list of key questions to ask to help you with the decision.
- What’s included in your fees?
- Tax planning?
- Financial planning?
- Inheritance tax mitigation?
- Investment management?
- Have you won any awards or accreditations?
- Are you chartered?
- What does your review process look like?
- Can I talk to some of your existing clients?
- How can I find out about your past views on markets and investing?
- What benchmarks do you use with regards to your investment performance?
- Do you adjust for charges?
- How closely do you hug the benchmark?
- Where is the bias in your charging structure?
- Are you biased towards a particular class (i.e. equities) or sector (i.e. UK equities)?
Active management
- What is your strategic and tactical asset allocation?
- Who makes the decisions and what is the process?