A huge thank you - Equilibrium

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    A huge thank you

    thank you charity hero
    “We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” – Sir Winston Churchill

    For those who attend our Christmas lunches, you will know it’s not an Equilibrium Christmas lunch without our renowned raffle, and this December, thanks to the generosity of our clients, we raised a phenomenal £10,000 – the highest amount yet!

    The Equilibrium Foundation matched the money raised, allowing us to give a substantial amount to two worthy charities, The School Coat Charity and The Toy Appeal.

    “We are honoured to match our clients’ generous contributions to support outstanding charities that offer essential aid and uphold the dignity of children in our local communities.” – Sarah Warburton, Chair and Trustee of The Equilibrium Foundation.

    The School Coat Charity

    This donation will enable them to purchase 250 brand-new coats for children living locally who are most in need of their support.

    “I speak on behalf of myself, and other volunteers that I am lucky enough to work with when I say that we were all moved and grateful in equal measure by your support.

    There are lots of young people who are feeling the effects of the current economic climate and, through no fault of their own, are turning up to school without the warmth of a decent coat. This only increases the disadvantages they are already facing.

    Every penny we receive goes directly to providing a brand-new coat, which is distributed to them via their schools. This grants them both dignity and a valuable reminder that they matter. Your wonderful donation will be enough to help us address this for at least 250 of our most vulnerable young people.” – Damian Hughes – Founder

    The Toy Appeal

    Money donated to The Toy Appeal will enable them to purchase 600 brand new sacks of toys, giving children in our local community brand new gifts, who otherwise wouldn’t have anything this Christmas.

    “Oh wow!! That’s an amazing amount, thank you all so much! What a difference this will make!!!” – Dee Drake – Founder

    As you can see, your kindness and support has made a huge difference in the lives of many. The Equilibrium team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that donated!

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